2018SNAKE-BOT AND LADDER? Check out this cool and terrifying robot.
Scientists built a terrifying robot snake that can climb ladders
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2018ATLAS can do backflips. Check it out.
Atlas robot's newfound ability to clear obstacles and jump like a parkour expert. The combination of real-time computer vision and control software, that balances legs, arms and torso, affirms Atlas as one of the most physically impressive robots ever dev
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2018Farming and Robotics are a perfect match.See how?
Autonomous robot farm replaces humans with 'incredibly intelligent' machines
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2018Want your room to have this artistic wall light? It is smart as well.
This product consists of multiple plastic hexagons that can be connected together via magnets and interlocking patterns to form a touch screen wall light. The magnets that form the physical connection between components also allow the electricity to pass
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2018Automated Rubik's Cube.Learn how to make one.
This awesome 3D printed robotic Rubik's Cube can solve itself
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2018Does your dog or cat need a Robot Stuart Little as a friend?Check this out.
A robot called Mouser is a robotic mouse that is trained to move around your home using advanced sensor and the latest AI algorithms
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2018Are paper robots real? Check them out here.
These robots are made up of paper. The paper actuators are created by applying a thin layer of conducting thermoplastic to plain old paper. The thermoplastic can be applied via a 3D printer or hand painted on.
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2018This Robot is a pocket Rocket.It is wicked fast. Check it out.
It may be small, but it's one of the fastest moving robots we've ever seen!!
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2018Can a robot paint a canvas? Apparently the can. Check here.
Albert the robot sprays and splashes colors on the wall in X and Y axes with the help of guy wires that are mounted on top of the bot.
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2018Do you want to build the Bat Crawler? Here is one such robot.
This Giant Robot Holds the Record for World's Largest Rideable Hexapod
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