2018Pet lonely at home? Build a robot friend for your pet.
This is a bot that has specially been build for the the pets to keep them active all day when you aren't around to play.
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2018TEMI- The IOT based robot
The Temi bot lets you experience moving video calls, controls all of your smart home devices, lets you enjoy music and videos from any room in the house and is the ultimate AI assistant.
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2018This robot is taking Go-Green more seriously than us.Find out how?
This tree planting robot wants to save the environment And it's doing it autonomously
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2018Check out this spooky robot pet.It is guaranteed to scare you.
Headless Cat Robot Will Wag Its Tail When You Pet It
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2018Parking your car is a tough job right. Let this Robot do it for you.
Meet the first outdoor valet parking robot!! This Robot is equipped with sensors to handle a car with care and its smart to assist you in all your parking needs!!
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2018You can also build and own a Robotic Cat!!
After decades of sci-fi speculation and the likes of Doctor Who’s K-9 and Mega Man’s Rush, the robotic pet market is finally becoming a reality.
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2018This shape changing robot can move through anything.Check it out.
Autonomous robots that change shape to adapt to challenging environments
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2018Puppet show with Robots. Dream or reality?
Disney created Air-Powered Robotic Arm which uses tubing that uses compressed air!!
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2018Can you control your robot from a virtual world? Now you can.
VR technology are used for controlling real-world devices; primarily, robots. And shows the Present, Potential and Future Applications
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2018Are you bored of human friends? Here is your very own Robot companion.
The bot Operates on Android 5.1, It can also take photos, play music, and much more.
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