2017MIT's New Robot Can Teach Its Metallic Kin
The new robot can learn from a demonstration and teach other robots what it knows.
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2017Magnetic fields and muscles allows robot to move without batteries
Small and large folding robots in their relaxed state, with a US quarter for scale. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
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2017Robot Chefs Could Take Over Our Kitchens Very Soon
Could robot chefs make real ones obsolete? If you love to cook at home then it’s unlikely you’ll ever desire an automaton to help you around the house.
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2017Snake robot turns into multi-legged snake monster
Carnegie Mellon's snake robot inspired by nature.
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2017Google Glass back in action, this time targets industries
Google Glass arguably always only made sense as an enterprise-focused product, but now it’s officially back and customized for those applications, with Glass Enterprise Edition (EE). The wearable head-mounted display has long had a place in the enterprise
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2017High-tech wound dressing glows if it has to go
Open wounds are something of a paradox – they need to be checked regularly, yet taking the dressing off too often just increases the risk of infection. That's why a group of Swiss researchers has developed a new "glowing" bandage that lets caregivers moni
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2017Salto - a tiny wall jumping robot
Now a little robot from the University of California Berkeley is putting on a jumping clinic. Meet Salto, the bot that not only leaps four times higher than its height—higher than you could ever manage—but strings together multiple jumps and bo
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20173D Printed Heart That Beats Like a Real One
A working artificial heart has been 3D printed by researchers from ETH Zurich.
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2017ThermoReal Technology Can Make You Feel Hot, Cold and Pain in Virtual Reality
For once, you can get pinched in the virtual world. These thermoelectric device can drastically heightened the realism by adding heat, chill and pain into VR/AR
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2017Two arms are better than one for disaster relief robot
Japanese researchers have built on last year's disaster relief excavator to create a remotely-operated construction prototype with two arms that can rotate 360 degrees around its central pod, giving it multitasking capabilities. The team has also develope
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