2017Planet hunting Kepler turns eye on the Seven Sisters
The Kepler Space Telescope is not only a dab hand at finding exoplanets, it's also revealing the secrets of the Seven Sisters. Also known as the Pleiades, this open star cluster made up of middle-aged Type B stars is visible to the naked eye, but has prov
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2017This 3D-printed robotic arm is built for sign language
An autonomous guide for blind people and this one is real — a robot arm that can perform rudimentary sign language.
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2017MIT’s ‘living jewelry’ is made up of small robot assistants
Project Kino was inspired by ‘living jewelry,’ large bedazzled beetles and other insects worn as decoration in different parts of the world.
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2017Robot sub finds USS Indianapolis 72 years after sinking
The sea has given up another one its mysteries, as billionaire and Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen's Research Vessel (R/V) Petrel recently discovered the resting place of the USS Indianapolis after its loss 72 years ago from a Japanese submarine attack
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2017Cleveron opens world’s fastest public drone delivery service
If you should work up a thirst at the lakeside beach in the Estonian town of Viljandi, don't just head for the nearest store. Instead, simply send a text message. Within less than five minutes, a drone will arrive from the other side of Lake Vil
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2017Robot finds possible melted fuel inside Fukushima reactor
The robot was on a mission to study damage and find fuel that experts say has melted and mostly fallen to the bottom of a chamber, Recently this robot succeeded its mission on finding the melted nuclear fuel.
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2017These Robots Can 'Heal' Themselves
In a terrifying new advance for machine-kind, robots are now able to heal themselves
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2017Impressive Seagoing Vessel Is Both a Speed Boat and a Submarine
A bespoke and advanced vessel that fulfills the duty of both a speedboat and a submarine
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2017Drones threatens to change combat forever
In 2015, video of a semi-automatic handgun being fired from a custom-built drone went viral. Now a Florida-based startup has unveiled the TIKAD, a custom-built multirotor that can carry and fire various military weapons, including semi-automatic rifles an
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2017World's largest single-tower solar thermal power plant
Just a month after the state government of South Australia announced a deal with Tesla to create the largest lithium-ion battery storage facility in the world, it has now revealed plans to build the biggest, single-tower solar thermal power plant on the p
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