Impact of Local Restrictions - Partial, night, and complete lockdowns in certain parts of India.
As local governments across cities and states are taking action to stem the rapid rise in cases of Covid-19, certain restrictions are being put in place that impact delivery and warehouse operations also in certain Pin-codes.
Most of these impacts are small this time and we are working to ensure a smooth and delightful delivery experience for our customers, nevertheless there might be some delay in delivering orders in certain pin codes.
But most orders will be delivered in the stipulated time frame as we are working to further strengthen our backend logistics.
Please be patient and reach out to us on or call us at 1800-121-2135 for the latest on your order information
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our Maker Labs are not opened for classes, few Maker Labs are opened for demo, check the lab details here.
We recommend every individual to start with the Electro-Blocks Kit and then gradually climb the ladder till the Quadrino Kit. This will ensure you have not missed any “required concepts” in the field of Electronics, Mechanical and Programming – and also, the AI will give you a better result on which field you are strong in and how to proceed further !
You can purchase it directly on our online stores – In addition to our online stores, there are a lot of places and online sellers selling SP Robotic Works kits. You can purchase from them too. But ensure that they are the original products.
1. Choose the products and click on the buy now button
2. You will redirected to the checkout page
3. You can login to your account (or sign up if you are a new user)
4. Fill-in the billing and shipping details
5. Make your payment and await the parcel to be delivered at your
Indian Customers: Payment is made through CC-Avenue payment gateway. CCAvenue uses the most powerful Verisign secure socket layer (SSL) for encrypting customer data during transmission. To put this into non-technical terms, it would take 340,000,000,000 years for today's fastest computers to crack Verisign SSL.
International Customers: Payment is through PayPal – and that says it all !
Yes, we have some interesting options to partner with us. You can request a quote here; or checkout the options to partner with us here. For other special needs, you can always contact us – our friendly support team is always here to fulfill all your needs.
Nope, we do not support that option currently. However, if you still wish to buy in COD basis, you can choose to buy our products from Search for SP Robotic Works and you can purchase with COD options.
We usually take one working day or as specified during checkout to process the order. Your parcel will step out of our warehouse and you will receive the status of the order via email on a regular basis.
For orders within India, we usually ship through FEDEX or DTDC Couriers – depends on the location of delivery. You will receive the parcel within 3 to 4 working days (from the date of shipment). For International Orders, we ship through FEDEX, ARAMEX or DHL – depends on the location of delivery. The parcel will reach you within 15 working days (subjected to customs clearance).
Tracking details for your parcel will be emailed to you, once we ship them from our warehouse.
Yes, you can ! We are all for supporting your pioneering education ambitions. Please take a minute to tell us about your plans and someone from our sales team will contact you regarding approval or follow up if we have any questions – Click here
Yes, you can ! We love partnering and we’re excited that our products are
going to be an integral part of your education system.
Please take a minute to tell us about your plans and someone from our
educator’s team will contact you regarding the model or follow up if we
have any questions – Click here
Thank you for your interest in SP Robotic Works ! We are happy to support you. You can give us more details about your school in this link and someone from our school’s team will contact you regarding the model or follow up if we have any questions
Yes, we have some interesting options to partner with us. You can request a quote here; or checkout the options to partner with us here. For other special needs, you can always contact us – our friendly support team is always here to fulfill all your needs
All the basic features of an e-learning platform, such as structured learning, interactive questions, incentivizing rewards, live tech support and many more, along with a powerful AI (Artificial Intelligence) built-in to assist the online learning. Sign up for free and take up a demo level online to understand more about all these features.
The AI teaches you with ‘do-it- while-you- learn’ videos and real-life
examples. Every concept is related to examples that you might know,
followed by practical experiments to understand the concept further.
The AI detects if you get stuck in any practical experiment, and helps you
to solve it real-time. The AI teaches you a concept in a different way,
once it knows that you have difficulty in understanding it. The AI also
provides guidance on next level of learning based on analytics from
evaluation of answers, time-taken, interest levels etc.
Sign up for free and take up a demo level online to understand more about our teaching methodology.
Yes, there are tests and hidden scores! The learning happens through a
series of chapters – Every chapter is followed by a questionnaire to
assess the level of learning. During the videos, questions are prompted in
between by the AI to understand your level of learning and interest.
There are various other factors that contribute to the AI’s conclusion on
the skill score – which can be observed in the progress page.
The skill scores are mapped for different skills in the major domains of
Electronics, Mechanical, Programming and Algorithm. The same can be
observed in the progress page.
Sign up for free and take up a demo level online to understand more about our testing and scoring mechanisms.
We know that you believe more in the knowledge gained by this learning and what you can achieve with that, yet we do provide the certificate - completion certificate is auto-generated online once you complete a particular course.
Obviously a desktop computer/laptop is necessary to learn (Tablets are
sufficient for learning the levels that do not involve programing). Apart
from this, you just need some space to keep your kits and work with
Apart from this, checkout the materials required for the individual levels to know more. If you have further questions, you can always contact us – our friendly support team is always here to answer
Minimum requirement is 2Mbps download speed
Recommended Internet speed is 4Mbps download speed
Please follow the below steps to activate your course and start learning with your kit.
Step:1 Product Activation URL
Go to product activation page using the below URL.
Step:2 Login / Sign Up
If you are an existing user, sign in with your username and password (or) Sign up with your details and come back to the product activation page.
Step:3 Learner Registration
Fill your details in the learner registration form.
Step:4 Enter license key
Enter your license key in the license key field, which can be found inside your kit and click Activate.
The license key looks similar to this:
Step:5 Start Learning
Once your course is successfully activated. Click start learning to gain access to our exclusive online courseware associated with the your kit.
Happy Learning
Do you like technologies and want to know how they work? Or
you want to build your own creations? If yes, you have definitely
arrived at the right product !
There is just one more thing - Are you patient enough and have
strength to put a screw ? If yes – then SP Robotic Works is for you
SPRW’s Kits are not simple DIY kits – definitely not plug-and- play. The kits are for those who want to “LEARN” while building their own creations. The learning and doing has been designed to make even 11 year olds understand easily. We recommend ages 11+ to get SPRW kits though we have customers ranging from 7 year olds to 50 year olds on our platform !
We recommend everyone to start from the Electro-Blocks Kit and grow up gradually to the Quadrino Kit.
This is will ensure that you have learnt all the basic concepts and also helps the AI provide better
analytics on your field of interest and skills gained.
Moreover, each of SPRW’s kits concentrates on a particular domain – such as Electronics, Mechanical,
Programming or Algorithm. Knowing the basics of all the fields is necessary – especially in a world
that is moving towards working with multidisciplinary teams.
Moreover, each kit in SP Robotic Works concentrates on a particular domain – such as Electronics, Mechanical, Programming or Algorithm. Knowing the basics of all the fields is necessary – especially in the world that is moving towards working with multi-disciplinary teams.
Yes, of course you can ! Once you learn on how to use the component, you can easily figure out how to integrate it with other kits.
We have hundreds of projects and inventions that you can access online for different kits. We have a global community of educators and enthusiasts like you, who regularly post projects and inventions. Imagination will be the only limitation to your learning.
All of our products are put through rigorous safety testing and
are considered safe for everyone 8 to infinity.
NO projects (taught during the online course) in the SP Robotic Works
kits involve the use of soldering iron, cutters, hot glue gun or any
harmful tools. However, if these tools are used for additional
projects, it should be used only under direct adult supervision.
For safe use and to maintain the quality of your products, here's
what we recommend:
There is live tech support through your online account – with text, video and screenshare support. For general info, you can always contact us – our friendly support team is always here to answer.
Is it a technical doubt? There is live tech support through your online account – with text, video and screenshare support. For other problems, you can always contact us directly– our friendly support team is always here to answer
We recommend not to ! Even if your child asks for help, DON'T ! Ask your child to ping the live tech support and get help from them directly ! Our course is designed in such a way that your child would just need a friend called "Patience" to be with him/her ;)
You can ping the live tech support team and they will help you with your new idea – help fine tune it – implement it and ensure that your idea becomes a reality!
You just need a desktop computer/laptop/tablet with internet connection to kick-start with this level !
This kit helps you learn the basics of electronic – circuit building, circuit debugging and more. You get to create your own burglar alarm, automatic lighting systems, brightness controllers, door open detectors during the online learning. You can move on to create more than 50+ innovative projects with it, after completing your learning! Imagination will be your only limitation to continue innovating and creating
This kit requires 16 involvement hours (which includes video time, practical time and time for assessments). If you want to keep yourself engaged, you can always checkout the big list of projects (50+) that can be done using this kit !
Introduction to Electronics/Various Electronic Components/ Voltage/ Current/ Resistor/ Power Supply – Types and Specifications/ Voltage Regulation/ Introduction to Light Emitting Diodes/ Lighting an LED/ Series and Parallel Connections/ Introduction to Switches-Types/ SPST, SPDT/ Push-to-on, Momentary Switch/ Interfacing the Switch types/ Two way control of devices/ Concept of Potentiometer/Brightness control of LEDs/Electromagnet –concept and working/ Motor – concept and working/ Direction Control of Motor/ Introduction to Sensors – Types and use/ Light Sensor – Concept and Working/ Interfacing Light Sensor/ Light Sensor controlled LEDs/ Infrared Sensor – Concept and Working/ Interfacing IR Sensor/IR Sensor controlled buzzer
Robotics is a multi-disciplinary field involving Electronics, Mechanical, Programming and Algorithm. Learning this level, gives you a strong foundation in Electronics and thereby you can step ahead to the other fields of robotics from the next kits. You will see that this level is equally interesting – so don't think twice !
You just need a desktop computer/laptop/tablet with internet connection to kick-start with this level !
This kit helps you learn the basics of Mechanics. You get to work with gears, create your own wireless all-terrain robot and configure it to act as a race robot, sumo robot and pick and place robot. You can move on to create more than 100+ innovative projects with this kit such as cleaning robot, moving dustbin, Arm robot, Shopping cart and more after completing your learning! Imagination will be your only limitation to continue innovating and creating
This kit requires 24 involvement hours (which includes video time, practical time and time for assessments). If you want to keep yourself engaged, you can always checkout the big list of projects (100+) that can be done using this kit !
DC Geared Motor – Types and Specification/ RPM/ Torque/ Selection of motors/ Parallel control of motors/ DC Batteries – Types and Specification/ Ampere-hour/ Discharge Capacity/ Selection of Batteries/ Wireless System – Types and Specification/ Frequency/ Introduction to Bluetooth/ Establishing connection with mobile and Bluetooth/ Introduction to Motor Drivers/ Need, Type and Specifications/ Introduction to transistors/ Working and control of motor/ H-Bridge working/ Servo Motor working/ Types and Specifications
2.MechanicalGears – Types and Working/ Wheel – Types and Specifications/ Selection of wheels/ Chassis – Material Selection/ Introduction to Engineering drawing/ Different perspective views/ Simple Objects of different shapes/ Complex shapes and designs/ Designing a simple race robot – Parameters to consider/ Ground clearance/ Effect of different parameters/ Designing a simple sumo robot – Parameters to consider/ Design of weapons – types and selection/ Designing a simple soccer robot – Parameters to consider/ Design of grippers/ Pick and place robot design and concepts
Ofcourse, your child will be able to understand – that's our specialty ! We teach your child Engineering drawing with their most interesting topic – robots. Who is not interested in designing robots that can fight, robots that can race and more ? This interest is used as a tool to teach your child these important concepts and they will understand with ease !
You just need a desktop computer/laptop with internet
connection to kick-start with this level !
Please note that this level involves programming – and you
cannot do program in tablets/phones.
This kit helps you learn the basics of C programming. You get to create your own autonomous robot and program it to act as an obstacle avoider, pit avoider, line tracer, light follower, wall follower and more. You can move on to create more than 100+ innovative projects with this kit such as drawing robot, cleaning robot, gardening robot, serve bot, autonomous parking and more after completing your learning! Imagination will be your only limitation to continue innovating and creating
This kit requires 32 involvement hours (which includes video time, practical time and time for assessments). If you want to keep yourself engaged, you can always checkout the big list of projects (100+) that can be done using this kit !
Introduction to microcontrollers/ RAM/ ROM/ Crystal Oscillators/ Translator ICs/ FTDI/ Reset Functionality/ Analog Sensors/ Development board/ Input-output ports.
2.ProgrammingIntroduction to programming/ C-Program/ Embedded-C/ Syntax/ Headers/ Variables/ Functions/ Statements – Types and Uses/ Instructions/ Conditions/ Loops/ Arduino Software/ Installing Software/ Identifying COM Port/ Setup and loop functions/ Assigning a port as Input or Output/ Writing digital outputs to a port/ Writing analog outputs/ Reading digital inputs/ Reading analog inputs/ Performing conditional actions based on inputs/ Performing continuous actions based on inputs/Concept of delay and its effects/ PWM concept and working/ Working with speed control of motors and brightness of LEDs/ Creating functions/ Calling functions/ Serial Communication/ Establishing communication/ ASCII Codes/ Programming robots on various algorithms.
3.MechanicalDesigning of Autonomous robots/ Parameters to be considered/ Placement of components and analysis of design.
4.AlgorithmTabular Algorithms/ Analyzing the possible conditions/ Simulating the output/ Concept of Obstacle Avoider Robot/ Concept of Pit Avoider Robot/ Concept of Light follower Robot/ Concept of Wall follower Robot/Concept of Line follower Robot/ Concept of Computer Controlled Robot.
Ofcourse, your child will be able to understand – that's our specialty ! We teach your child Programming with their most interesting topic – robots. Logics are made easy, debugging becomes easy, understanding becomes easy – when you visually see your program in action. This is used as a tool to teach your child C programming from the basics – headers to creating functions and they will understand with ease !
You just need a desktop computer/laptop with internet
connection to kick-start with this level !
Please note that this level involves programming – and you
cannot do program in tablets/phones.
This kit helps you learn the basics of algorithm framing – logics, designing and programming. You get to create your own gesture-controlled robot, ultrasonic based robot, Quadruped robot and make it walk in different ways during the online learning. You can move on to create more than 100+ innovative projects with this kit such as arm robot, biped robot, snake robot and more after completing your learning! Imagination will be your only limitation to continue innovating and creating
This kit requires 40 involvement hours (which includes video time, practical time and time for assessments). If you want to keep yourself engaged, you can always checkout the big list of projects (100+) that can be done using this kit !
Introduction to complex sensors/ Accelerometers – Working, Types and Specification/ Ultrasonic – Working, Types and Specification/ Voltage and Current concepts in Servo working/ Parameter alterations in walking robots.
2.MechanicalIntroduction to Degrees of Freedom/ Servo positioning mechanism and usage/ Designing walking robots/ Effect of DOFs in one leg/ Effect of number of legs/ Effect of material/ Other aspects in walking robot.
3.ProgrammingServo Motor Control/ Angle positioning in servos/ Speed control of servos/ Delay period between servo commands/ Programming based on algorithms
4.AlgorithmFlowchart Algorithms/ Components of flowchart/ Representing different conditions and loops/ Representing previous concepts in flowchart/ Concept of Accelerometer based robot/ Concept of Ultrasonic robot/ Walking robot methodologies/ Types of walking/ Advantages and disadvantages/ Analyzing the possible conditions/ Simulating the output.
Basic knowledge on Arduino Programming – to the extent of controlling a wheeled robot – is required to kickstart with the Quadrino Kit. If you would like to learn programming from the start, we recommend you learn Codey Kit and then start learning with the Quadrino Kit.
Oh yes, you can ! There are plenty of schools enjoying the benefits of integrating SP Robotic Works with their curriculum. Please submit a request so we can get you set up. We'll just want to know some basic information about you; your organization, and we will get back to you with a special proposal.
Oh yes, you can ! There are plenty of schools enjoying the benefits of having a robotics club at their premises. Please submit a request so we can get you set up. We'll just want to know some basic information about you; your organization, and we will get back to you with a special proposal.
We help you with some tailor-made curriculum for your education model. Please submit a request so we can get you set up. We'll just want to know some basic information about you; your organization, and we will get back to you with a special curriculum to suite your needs
Education being an important part of our mission, we offer special discounts for activities that fall-in line with our motto ! Please submit a request so we can get you set up. We'll just want to know some basic information about you, your organization, and how you plan to use our products in your program. After we get you set up, you'll get a discount on all orders you place through our online shop.
We help you with some tailor-made curriculum for your education model. Please submit a request so we can get you set up. We'll just want to know some basic information about you; your organization, and we will get back to you with a special curriculum to suite your needs.
SP Robotic Works Education just needs the kits, computers and some working space. You can start your business with just some kits and working space – and ask your customers to bring the laptops; or the ideal way would be to setup a computer lab and your students can walk in free-handed and start learning. Please submit a request and our sales team will get in touch with you to explain and tailor make a model suitable for you. We'll just want to know some basic information about you; your organization, and we will get back to you with a special quote to suite your needs.
Yes, you can ! We are all for supporting your pioneering education ambitions. Please take a minute to tell us about your plans and someone from our sales team will contact you regarding approval or follow up if we have any questions – Click here
Yes, you can ! We are all for supporting your pioneering education ambitions. Please take a minute to tell us about your plans and someone from our sales team will contact you regarding approval or follow up if we have any questions – Click here
Yes, we have some interesting options to partner with us. You can request a quote here; or checkout the options to partner with us here. For other special needs, you can always contact us – our friendly support team is always here to fulfill all your needs
You can definitely use SP Robotic Works products for that ! Just contact our support team with details on your house party and you will get connected with our representative to set things up !
You just need to sign up for our educator model – we will help you set up your camp with SP Robotic Works ! Please submit a request so we can get you set up. We'll just want to know some basic information about you, your organization, and how you plan to execute your camp.
Education being an important part of our mission, we offer special discounts for activities that fall-in line with our motto ! Please submit a request so we can get you set up. We'll just want to know some basic information about you, your organization, and how you plan to use our products in your program. After we get you set up, you'll get a discount on all orders you place through our online shop.
Two Robotic Enthusiasts, Sneha Priya and Pranavan started
SP Robotic Works in 2012 – with an aim to revolutionize education,
which has not changed even with the immense development in
They saw the potential of using robotics to teach the core concepts of Electronics, Mechanical, Programming and Algorithms to young minds – making it more engaging, fun and practical. The kits were developed to make even 11 year olds understand – so that they can learn the basics at their young age (which not only gives them the tech skills but also provokes thinking and sparks their ingenuity) and grow up to do researches/develop products. The lack of practical education, exposure and opportunities for people to showcase themselves were some of the key reasons for them to start SP Robotic Works.
Do you like technologies and want to know how they work? Or
you want to build your own creations? If yes, you have definitely
arrived at the right product !
There is just one more thing - Are you patient enough and have
strength to put a screw ? If yes – then SP Robotic Works is for you !
SP Robotic Works is not a simple DIY kit – definitely not plug-and- play. This kit is for those who want to “LEARN” while you build your own creations. The learning and doing has been designed to make even 11 year olds understand easily. We recommend ages 11+ to get SP Robotic Works products though we have customers ranging from 7 year olds to 50 year olds on our platform !
Our small team is growing and we’re looking for superstars (and superstars-to- be) who believe in our mission to join our core team. But remember, SP Robotic Works is a startup, you must be willing to get your hands dirty. If you are ready for all the excitement, opportunities and challenges that come with a startup, then head over to our careers page and see what we have to offer!
We're excited to hear from anyone interested in selling SP Robotic Works products or becoming a distributor.
Please help us get to know you better by filling out our Retailer Application. We'll be in touch if we have any questions!