2017How marine biology inspired Soft Robotics’ industrial grippers
on Valentine’s Day at Soft Robotics in Cambridge, Mass. a staff member places heart-shaped marshmallow Peeps on a conveyor belt. A mechanical arm snatches them up, one by one, setting them gently in a nearby box. It isn’t much of a romantic celebration, r
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2017Watch Lilium’s successful test flight of the world’s first electric VTOL jet
Lilium has successfully tested its all-electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) jet for the first time.
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2017Robotic cheetah moves almost as efficiently as the real thing
The fastest land animal on Earth, the cheetah, has inspired a number of swift-footed robots
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2017Meet Tarzan, the swinging robot farmer inspired by a sloth
Engineers in Japan have already created a fully autonomous 'robot run' farm, and those already working on farms are adopting self-driving tractors. Robots are likely to play a big role in the future of farming and agriculture.
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2017Toyota’s new robot leg brace can help those with partial paralysis walk again
Toyota is introducing a new robotic leg brace called the Welwalk WW-1000 that can help patients with partial paralysis affecting one side of their body walk again.
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2017The robot that takes your job might be cute enough to go viral
Hikvision’s range of package sorting robots. “Little Orange” can be seen bottom center. The other machines are for carrying bigger packages and pallets
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2017Honda's Miimo robotic lawn mower heads stateside
So why bother if it is summer and if your lawn has an uncouth growth of grass. Honda's robotic lawnmower is here.
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2017This adorable little robot will draw anything you do
this little bot is essentially a USB-powered arm that connects to an app on your tablet or smartphone and copies anything you draw in real time. You can use it to just play around by mimicking your doodles, or connect it to the internet via Wi-Fi.
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2017Water landings won't worry this inflatable drone
With the arms deflated, the Diodon drone folds away into a tiny carry case, and once you blow them up, it's buoyant enough to land on water – or, more to the point, not sink when you accidentally crash it into the water.
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2017Tata's India-made BRABO is ready for rest of the world
India's first indigenous industrial-articulated robot has been developed by TATA and is expected to launched in two months.
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