New Wireless Sensors Could Collect Critical Data of Bedridden Patients

These thin medical sensors could help doctors better monitor some of their most vulnerable patients.

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Computer System Knows What You Wish You Said

A team from MIT created a computer interface that uses electrodes to register what people want to say without them ever opening their mouths.

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This Small Robot Lures Hackers Away from Other Robots

A robotics team created a HoneyBot to be the physical representation of an industrial facility's robotics ever being hacked.

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Robo-Bat and Rolling Robot Spider

Festo’s latest bio-inspired creations.

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Two-Armed Robot is the Most Nimble-Fingered Machine Ever Created

This robot uses machine learning to understand how to grasp unfamiliar objects.

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Drone Has Retracting Arms that Allow it to Pick Up Objects

A team of South Korean researchers have brought folding arms and drone technology together to create a device which can collect objects.

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Robotics Reimagined: NVIDIA Releases Isaac SDK to Accelerate Creating Autonomous Machines

Robotics Reimagined: NVIDIA Releases Isaac SDK to Accelerate Creating Autonomous Machines

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Ostrich-Inspired Robot Cassie Goes on a 'Playdate' With a Quadruped Robot

Agility Robotics has released a cute and weird video of its robot Cassie and another robot having a ‘playdate’.

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Car Vending Machine

Ford and Alibaba unveil car vending machine

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MIT's Soft Robotic Fish Explores Reefs in Fiji

MIT's Soft Robotic Fish Explores Reefs in Fiji

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